Monday, June 25, 2012


There are so many things worth talking about and discussing on the Web. Humanity, life, literature, media, politics, relationships, science, society, technology. And the list can go on and on.

Come on, these subjects have been earning tomes of spaces in paper, radio airwaves, television feeds, and more. And as endless as the topics may be, readers too may seem to have grown an insatiable appetite to learn and consume information.  Add what the Internet has been continuously doing for us.

There is an almost unstoppable beat of demand for more knowledge via the cyber highway. There is no such time in human history when the flow of information to the nerve streams of people's brains may be considered this untiring.

For a very long time these ruminations are stirring some thoughts.

My heart was asking, how about putting into words what I have been thinking or seeing or observing? Could it still possibly be needed? My rational mind would bug me and discourage me of pursuing.

Sustaining a blog is not easy though. One must have to have the spark, creativity and genius to quickly say something or share some worthy ideas that can at least contribute to society or the future of the next generation. Or, at least one must have the time to do responsible writing.

Occasionally I think I can build some spark, but most of the time am short of creativity and genius to tell people something that is really compelling. Almost always short for words most of the time to express myself to relay clearly what's on my mind, I am in the belief that I am the last candidate likely to begin this blog then. That's what I thought.

Then these deep thinking lead me to my next question: what will this blogging provide blog-trotters? I am not a scientist, not a writer, not an inventor, and never an expert at things people would die to listen to or give their time to read on matters which may be personal only to me.

But still I am going to give it a try and hopefully manage to share few observations, insights and commentaries on matters that might be striking or relevant to me, and to us who are all in the same page of the history of humankind. Quite ambitious it is but I am publishing my first post and hope you'll welcome me in this virtual community.

Thanks be to God for my first published work.


  1. This is my favorite line, " I am not a scientist, not a writer, not an inventor, and never an expert at things people would die to listen to or give their time to read on matters which may be personal only to me." Let's do our part to share what's worth sharing. Thanks be to God! Nice start!

    1. Thanks for reading my blog! It is strange feeling having an audience. :)

  2. Ah, blogging..the rewards of it depends on your purpose as a blogger.

    Some people blog to earn some extra income, so the reward come from the monetary compensation they get from blogging.

    Some creative souls like artists and photographers blog to share their talent, so the rewards come from being able to share.

    For some bloggers like me who treat blogging as a catharsis, the rewards come from being able to express ourselves. And, personally, having kindred souls who read what I express is a bonus. But with or without readers, I shall keep on writing. I've been blogging since 2002 and owned my own domain since 2008 and blogging has indeed been a blessing to me.

    Here's to your new blog ;) Good luck!

    Miss N of

  3. @Nortehanon, thanks for the insights. I really agree with you that with or without a reader a blogger should still pursue posting.
